Hello again responsible travel lovers. Imagine buying a bag that the designer is so confident with its quality that they give you a lifetime guarantee! Follow along as I take you through Pakt One Sustainable Travel Bag that packs like a suitcase with the insides very well thought.  If you’re new to sustainable travel, you […]

Pakt One Sustainable travel bag Read More »

The best way to travel sustainably is to stay in one city and walk or ride a bike to your destinations but we’re adventurous creatures and we love to explore so the best thing we can do is try to be as sustainable as we can when traveling/travelling. But what is SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL?  Sustainable travel

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Travel is a big part of our lives and for those of us trying to live a sustainable lifestyle without compromising on what we love, the best we can do is make small changes where we can. My travel bags were due for replacement and this new Sustainable Travel Bag is by PROJECTKIN.  Before I

SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL BAG BY projectkin Read More »

I have been travelling/traveling for over seven years now and I’m pretty confident that everything I did never directly reduced the population of (or caused harm) to a living thing.  I am now SLOWLY and firmly moving to a more sustainable lifestyle. A big part of my life involves travelling and so I wanted to know

How to be a Responsible Tourist Read More »

We found another hidden gem in Czech Republic. This place is small and way calmer that any other spa town I’ve visited. When Revelton Františkovy Lázně suggested that I should visit their hotel in this town, I was thrilled by the invite but wasn’t sure what to expect in a small town. I’m glad it

Revelton Františkovy Lázně Read More »

Hello Travel lovers, if you haven’t been to Karlovy Vary or Czech Republic, I suggest you add this place to your bucket list. Czech Republic has become popular amongst travellers the past Five years. I remember telling people about Czech Republic a few years back and majority of travellers gave it the vibe of some struggling unsafe

Revelton Suites, Karlovy Vary Read More »

We all love good food and during my stay at The Boma Hotel Nairobi I had the chance to have dinner and lunch at Tembo Restaurant. I loved this restaurant because it’s spacious. There’s a kitchen on one end and a bar on the other. This is part of Boma hotel which means it’s under Red Cross

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My three months in Kenya made me explore the country more. I was mostly cooking my own food and sometimes eating out. Here, I will share some of my favourite vegetarian restaurants in Nairobi. Most of them don’t some Vegetarian food only but they will have a good range of vegetarian meal. Kenya is one of the easiest countries to live

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If you’re looking for a hotel near both Jomo Kenyatta International Airport and Wilson Airport in Nairobi, then your best hotel is The Boma Hotel Nairobi. I was here a few weeks ago and my stay was amazing. We stayed here because we had to take a flight to Mombasa in a few days and

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